How to Transfer Coins (to and from wallets or exchanges)
HOW TO TRANSFER COINS To transfer a coin to an exchange or wallet from another exchange or wallet: General process: Open the wallet/exchange and select the coin, or click Send button if there is one. Send, Enter amount. Enter Receiving address for the exchange or wallet you are sending to. a. To get this address, go to the exchange or wallet you are sending TO and click Receive for that coin. Go back to the wallet/exchange you are sending FROM and paste in that address. Click Confirm and do any security codes, Send. Specific: To transfer a coin to Exchange (ex, Coinbase) from Kucoin: Go to Assets on the top right. Click Trading Account —> Transfer coin to Main Account (Click coin name, click the blue number and hit confirm.) Go to Main Account. Click on Withdraw for that coin. Get the Receiving Address for that coin and paste it in. Have this stored in Notes, or go to the wallet or exchange th...